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Anti-corrosion method of diving cooler pump

Anti-corrosion method of diving cooler pump

(Summary description)Chromate-based corrosion inhibitors are commonly used in cooling water systems. Chromate ion is an anodic (process) inhibitor that, when combined with a suitable cathodic inhibitor, can be satisfactorily and economically obtained. anti-corrosion effect.

Anti-corrosion method of diving cooler pump

(Summary description)Chromate-based corrosion inhibitors are commonly used in cooling water systems. Chromate ion is an anodic (process) inhibitor that, when combined with a suitable cathodic inhibitor, can be satisfactorily and economically obtained. anti-corrosion effect.


1. Corrosion inhibitor

Chromate-based corrosion inhibitors are commonly used in cooling water systems. Chromate ion is an anodic (process) inhibitor that, when combined with a suitable cathodic inhibitor, can be satisfactorily and economically obtained. anti-corrosion effect.

Chromate-zinc-polyphosphate: The use of polyphosphate is because it has the effect of cleaning the metal surface and has the ability to inhibit corrosion. Polyphosphate can be partially converted into orthophosphate, and they can also generate large amounts of calcium with calcium. The colloidal cations inhibit the cathodic process.

Chromate-zinc-phosphonate: This method is similar to the previous method except that sodium phosphonate is used instead of polyphosphate, carbamate can also be used at pH values ​​higher than those specified for polyphosphates. high occasions. Methylene phosphonates prevent limescale and control the precipitation of calcium salts even at pH 9.

Chromate-zinc--hydrolyzed polyacrylamide: Due to the dispersing effect of cationic copolymer hydrolyzed polyacrylamide, it can prevent or inhibit the generation of scale into fouling.

diving cooler pump

2. Electrochemical protection

Adopt cathodic protection and anodic protection. Cathodic protection is to use an external DC power supply to make the metal surface become a cathode to achieve protection. This method consumes a lot of electricity and costs a lot. Anode protection is to connect the protected heat exchanger to the anode of the external power supply, so that a passivation film is formed on the metal surface, so as to be protected.

Through these two methods, the anti-corrosion situation of the diving cooler pump can be effectively achieved. Please contact the diving cooler pump manufacturer in time for the specific situation. This kind of professional anti-corrosion work needs to be operated by professional personnel.



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